November 1, 2012
Good Golly, Miss Molly
One of the things about AFP's gigs is that audience members are practically encouraged to record them for their own nefarious purposes. Another is that there tends to be a plethora of friends and guests trotted out for a song or two. This was certainly true at KOKO, with turns including Scroobius Pip and Richard O'Brien (doing the Time Warp yet again) in addition to the usual rogues' gallery.
Still, one early visitor remains pretty much unidentified despite Amanda's effusive intro. I think the name was Molly Sostree - it sounded something like that, anyway. But Google seems unable to locate her in any spelling I have tried. Only one write-up of the show even mentions her at all, and that not by name. I liked her number a lot, though, so check it out; it's only very slightly sullied by some nearby imbecile audibly declaring his dislike at the end.
If anyone can identify this artist and/or song for me, I'll be at least casually grateful...
Posted by matt at November 1, 2012 9:17 PM
Posted by: robin at November 2, 2012 12:08 AM