June 16, 2011
Mawkish AOR
Gordon Bennett but writing up is tedious drudgery. The whole business of having to lay out in painstaking detail just how ill-thought-out and hence deservedly unsuccessful one's research has been is quite disheartening. I'm finding the most difficult part is just committing myself to saying anything concrete, to putting down in black and white we did X and Y and this shows, well, um, actually I'm not sure. Not very much, really. Bleah. Got a few nice figures in amongst it all, I suppose, and it will at least look fairly slick thanks to the joys of LaTeX.
Naturally, I am becoming an absolute Grand Master of procrastination. Even more than I was before, which is quite an achievement. In amongst all that, as very much not promised a few weeks back, this. It is, it should go without saying, rubbish. I mean it. Profoundly derivative, it basically just takes GarageBand's Smart Guitar riffs for a walk around the block, in particular the incredibly brazen cod-Stones "Roots Rock" #4. Also lots of megaphone distortion slathered over the rough and ready first-take iPhone mic vocals in a desperate attempt to inject character. (Erm, what's the tune again? The rhythm? Don't look at me, I'm a stranger here myself.) Listen at your peril.
In other news, I finally got to see John Cooper Clarke in action last night after several failed attempts. He spent more time nattering than doing poems, but a lot of the banter was very funny.
Ey Clarke, get back on the drugs ya fat cunt!
And the gentrified sequel to Beasley Street was masterful. John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett were also quite amusing in a vaguely Max Wall kind of way. A pretty odd evening out, all in all.
Had a whirlwind day trip to Paris at the weekend, crack of dawn on the Eurostar, to see Anish Kapoor's monumental balloon sculpture Leviathan, and also antipodean visitor Bruce. A few photos are up on Facebook already, there will be more and probably some here too at some point as well. Grist to the procrastination mill, see.
Following that outing, perhaps in some way due to it, I had a cold this week. As well as making me even bloody grumpier than usual it meant Sunday night's tickets to Yo La Tengo went unused, as did Monday's for Festival of the Spoken Nerd. But things are looking good for The Sonics and Wire this coming Saturday. (It's Meltdown time again, dontcha know.)
Posted by matt at June 16, 2011 2:40 PM