March 3, 2009

No Repeat Guarantee

Jesus fucking Christ I hate commercial pop radio. It's like the constant sound of fingernails scraping blackboards, but with advertising.


And, btw, that "Breakfast at Tiffany's" song from a few years back? That is one of the most hateful pieces of "music" ever recorded. I don't remember who it was by -- I hope you don't either -- but whoever it was they deserve to spend eternity in Hell. With Toploader. Torturing each other forever with renditions of their putrid hits. Yes, that would be justice.

Posted by matt at March 3, 2009 11:04 PM

I think I... remember the song.

Deep Blue Something BTW.

And I heard the song before I saw the film.

So where did you find Radio Late Nineties? I only seem able to pick up the one that does fleeting indie sensations on high rotation (so X times an hour), the one that's lost its virginity to some early Eighties rockers, Capital Punishment and myriad forms of Beige FM. And the teeming multitune from unknown continents that leaves one wondering if the sound is from two conflicting stations or just meant to be like that.

Is it wrong that Radio 4 tends to win regardless of how irritating I find it (excepting Any Questions or Any Answers - that's what 5-Live's for. Or Channel 5. One of those that never used to exist and is too much of a faff to get).

All of which will never quite compare to listening to the police, especially when they sang.

And yes, that is intentionally not capitalised.

Incidentally, I know there's that whole Holy Trinity thing, but how exactly would Jesus fuck Christ?

Posted by: Anyhoo at March 6, 2009 8:47 PM

Oh, thank you so much. I read this entry forty-five minutes ago, and that song has been stuck in my head ever since, and you had better pray that karma is a myth because if it isn't, you are going to be reincarnated as a three-legged dog with a urinary tract infection who spends its life as the mascot for a very bad Abba tribute band. And that would be justice.

Posted by: TED at March 12, 2009 10:55 PM