January 9, 2009
Surrealist Car Alarm
Back to my old neglectful ways so soon? So it would seem. Start as you mean to go on: no sooner is the blog revived than it is left to lie fallow. Partly this is because I'm still bogged down in writing my transfer report, which has somewhat sapped my desire to put words on virtual paper. And, you know, I've been busy and such. But let's try to scratch a few things down in passing, for future reference if nothing else.
It can hardly have escaped your notice that the world has gone completely to hell since I last blogged here on a regular basis. (Coincidence? You decide.) Watching the news these days it's difficult to escape a number of dismal thoughts, not least among them:
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Also, as I may have managed to mention even in my minimal postage since unpulling the plug last week, it is bloody arctic around here. And ridden with sickness. I've long since given up on the word 'flu' as meaningless, but if I still allowed it I'd have to admit that this winter's version has been the worst in living memory, bringing weeks of coughing fit to crack a rib -- or at least tear something intercostal -- with brat-borne sniffly follow-ups just adding insult to injury. I need a fucking holiday. Somewhere warm, like Tierra del Fuego.
Since that's not in the offing, I must instead make do with minor diversions such as Tinselworm -- damn funny all the way through, but the crematorium music was a high point, as was the all-too-convincing forecast of the 2012 opening ceremony and the Kraftwerk medley of Hallelujah and Last Christmas -- and Mario Kart Wii. Might as well enjoy this stuff while we still have electricity...
Posted by matt at January 9, 2009 11:03 PM